Published November 2017 | Updated March 2024
What is broadloom?
Broadloom in the simplest term is carpet that is woven on a wide loom. More often than not it is attributed to tufted or woven carpet that is to be installed for wall-to-wall. Most broadloom is sold on rolls that are standard at 13′ 2″, which helps to reduce seaming of the weave. Some natural and wool weaves are available in extra-wide rolls for larger rooms.

What is a loom?
A loom is the device that is used to weave fabric. If it is for hand weaving, it holds the fibers in place that are running in one direction, so that fibers running in the opposite direction can be interwoven.
How is broadloom sold?
Broadloom is made on rolls a standard of 13′ 2″ or extra-wide up to 16′ 3″. In North America it is sold by the square foot or the square yard.
How is broadloom installed?
Installation can vary on the space it’s going. If it’s being installed in a residential home, we advise to have the carpet installed over a rug pad and then let it settle for 48 hours before placing your furniture. Doing so will help prevent buckling or rippling on your custom flooring. This can occur with climate change, temperature of where you live or the weight of your furniture, so it’s best to let your carpet acclimate. If wall-to-wall is installed in a commercial space, the installer may glue it directly to the floor.
Teneille Tierce is a contributing writer for Curran and